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Eastertide - Gregorian Chant (CD)
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Vespers and Compline - Gregorian Chant (CD)
Tenebrae of Good Friday - Gregorian Chant (CD)
Maundy Thursday - Gregorian Chant (CD)
Christ in Gethsemane - Gregorian Chant (CD)
Easter - Gregorian Chant (CD)
In Epiphania Domini CD
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A Biblical Understanding of Mary CD set
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Proofs for the Existence of God (Audio CD)
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Science the Origin of the Universe and God (Audio CD)
A Time to Revive: Rebuilding the Catholic Faith Today DVD
Lent Today: Daily Reflections with Fr Benedict Groeschel DVD
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The Divine Plan: Ronald Reagan, John Paul II and the Dramatic End of the Cold War DVD
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Purgatory: The Forgotten Church (DVD)
Sister Mary Baruch: Compline: A Novel (Vol 4)
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Sister Mary Baruch: Vespers: A Novel (Vol 3)
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