The Keys of this Blood: Pope John Paul II versus Russia

The Keys of this Blood: Pope John Paul II versus Russia

By Malachi Martin
Product Code: 9780671747237

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Product Description

Keys of This Blood: Pope John Paul II Versus Russia and the West for Control of the New World Order

Only Malachi Martin, a consummate Vatican insider and intelligence specialist, could explain the secret narrative behind the Vatican's participation in today's winner-take-all struggle to construct, maintain, and rule the world's first one-world government.

* Will America pave the way for a new international order? Is Pope John Paul II winning the faith battle?

* Is Gorbachev's global objective being hidden under the disintegration of the Soviet empire?

The Keys of this Blood is a book filled with breathtaking geopolitical findings. It proposes a captivating assortment of bold designs for global supremacy, one of which is a projected vision of the future.

Published September 1, 1991.

Paperback. 736 pages.

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