Bridging the Great Divide

Bridging the Great Divide

By Bishop Robert Barron
Product Code: 9780742532069

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Product Description

Bridging the Great Divide: Musings of a Post-Liberal, Post-Conservative Evangelical Catholic by Bishop Barron represents a pivotal moment in the life of the Catholic community. Today's faithful are searching for an expression of Catholic Christianity that is vibrant, colorful, provocative, counter-cultural, deeply rooted in the tradition, and full of the promise of the Good News. In this timely and prophetic book, Bishop Robert Barron—himself a member of the younger generation—has minted a new vernacular and blazed a new way that bridges the great divide and gives voice to the concerns of post-liberal, post-conservative, evangelical believers.

"These essays afford an opportunity of moving, in the company of Father Robert Barron, away from some of the polarizations that have left much modern theological writing in a cul-de-sac.  The reader will judge how successful he has been in avoiding both a stuffy traditionalism and a liberalism without content, but the discussion is everywhere stimulating, the product of a fertile and cultivated theological mind."

--- Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago

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