The Book That Changed Everything

The Book That Changed Everything

By Allison Regina Gliot
Product Code: 9780819812544

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Product Description

A captivating introduction to the Bible as the living Word of God for children ages 3-7!
Sofia has a problem. She has every book she could ever want. But something is still missing. It will take a very special Book to set things right—one that will change Sofia’s life forever.
Follow Sofia as her love for reading and desire for a friend lead her to a life-changing encounter with Jesus through the words of Sacred Scripture. The Book That Changed Everything introduces children to the concept of Scripture as the living Word of God through a heartwarming story and bold illustrations that engage the imagination and inspire awe and confidence in God’s love. Through Sofia’s eyes, children discover why the Bible is a special book; how they can encounter Jesus in Scripture and in the Church; and that they, too, have a special place in God’s story.
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