St. Paul Daily Missal Black Leatherflex

St. Paul Daily Missal Black Leatherflex

Product Code: 9780819872210
★★★★★ ★★★★★ 2.00/5 Stars. (1 Review)

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Product Description

New American Bible Revised Ed. (NABRE) translation. Approved for use in the United States.

The Saint Paul Daily Missal continues Pauline Books & Media's fine tradition of publishing missals that are appreciated for their beauty, quality and pastoral content.

Prepared by the Daughters of St. Paul and including the revised English translation of the Roman Missal, this beautiful missal features the Scripture readings and prayers for all Sundays, cycles A, B and C; holy days of obligation; all weekdays, Years 1 and 2; saints' feast days, including the new saints in the Church's calendar, in one convenient volume.

Spiritual reflections on each day's readings and introductions to the liturgical seasons are provided to enhance prayerful participation in the liturgy. The missal also includes illustrations and an expanded Treasury of Prayers.

Handsomely bound in durable black leatherflex with gilded edges, four ribbon markers and gold-stamped cover.

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★★★★★ ★★★★★
2.00/5 Stars out of 1 Review
No Votive Masses, New American Translation
(Ontario, Canada) | September 15th, 2021
Unlike the Daily Roman Missal from Midwest Theological Forum, there are no votive Masses in this missal, except Masses for the dead. A thoroughly American missal, it uses the New American Bible translation of readings and psalms (used at Mass in the U.S.A.), not the NRSV-CE (used in Canada). However, I do not think there is any perpetual single volume missal available with the NRSV translation. This missal also has a wider form factor than most others I've seen, and has 4 ribbons instead of 6 like my TLM missal and the aforementioned Daily Roman Missal. Mine has liturgical calendar of dates for 2018-2024, whereas the DRM has them through 2031.