The comic novel in the Shoujo-Manga style begins with a young Teresa fleeing her family in Spain to convert the Moors and be a martyr for God. Teresa continues to be a thorn in her family's side as she grows older, this time prioritising her social life and status over her connection with God. Her father and older sister send her to Carmelite nuns to learn obedience and discipline. When Teresa returns from the convent, they discover they have gotten more than they bargained for: Teresa has heard Jesus' call to follow him. She was prepared to leave her home in order to carry out his work as a Carmelite sister.
Teresa is causing havoc in Spain now, but it's all in the interest of Jesus' mission. She establishes a reformed Carmelite Order that extends throughout the country. St. Teresa's conversion to the heart of Jesus and her bravery in the face of immense difficulty will attract young readers.