Happy are You Poor, The Simple Life and Spiritual Freedom

Happy are You Poor, The Simple Life and Spiritual Freedom

By Fr. Thomas Dubay
Product Code: 9780898709216

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Product Description

Poverty is frequently confused with destitution in the modern imagination. However, destitution is categorically not the Gospel ideal. The message is one of love-filled sharing frugality, and Happy Are You Poor  by Fr. Thomas Dubay S.M. illustrates the significance of this beatitude lived and taught by Jesus himself. But isn't lifestyle simplicity reserved for nuns and priests? Aren't we all meant to bask in the kindness and beauty of our amazing creation? Are parents supposed to be frugal with the children they adore?

Dubay, a well-known spiritual writer, responds to these questions in unexpected ways. He describes how material items are extensions of our personalities, and consequently of our love. There would be no poverty if everyone lived this love.

He describes how Gospel frugality is lived in each level of life after presenting the richness of the Gospel message, which is more attractive than any other world perspective.
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