The Restoration Begins...
Veronica (Toronto) | May 12th, 2022
I ordered The True Conception of the World after being intrigued by flat earth videos, some evidence shown was compelling eg. curvature of the earth disproved by using telephoto lenses over water (curvature calculation says 8 inches per mile should be obscured by the curvature of water- Nikon P900; P1000 can for example see a ship at 10 km, viewed at eye distance 1.7m, distance to horizon 4.65, should obscure 2.2428 m, but please see what the P1000 can do in the video. Turning to what the Catholic Church/Saints might have said on about the earth/creation, I found this book and became deeply interested in the writings of Hildegard Von Bingen on this topic. Even before finishing the book, I created a survey for young people to begin the conversation /restoration mentioned by the author in the first sentence of the preface. I was greatly encouraged by hearing my priest quote in a recent homily (intentionally?) the idea that we are not insignificant beings in a utterly meaningless corner of the universe. Hildegard's description at times seems not credible, eg the cosmic winds, the 16 stars. However I believe it will be proved true in time. My grandfather Dr. Peter Moloney proved that insulin was an antigen, which was not known up to his discovery. Having discovered this book gave me determination to disprove anthropogenic climate change: I asked my geologist cousin to give me climate change in a nutshell, which he did-the warming of the oceans produces vastly greater amounts of CO2 than man ever produced. But this does not fit the narrative which will enrich those who created it.