Poems Every Child Should Know

Poems Every Child Should Know

By Joseph Pearce
Product Code: 9781505126303

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Product Description

Everyone can enjoy poetry: youself, and your children. But where do you begin? This wonderful manual will help you get started.

This captivating collection of verse, chosen and with analysis by best-selling author and literature professor Joseph Pearce, includes famous poems that every youngster should be familiar with to start a lyrical ascent towards God. Additionally, these poems were picked to assist everyone "become like small children" and are ones that everyone, regardless of age, should be familiar with. These timeless riches provide as a solid basis upon which to develop poetic knowledge and to view the world as God intended—through the eyes of a poet.

These priceless pieces of the English language's heritage were selected from the long tradition of English poetry with the intention of enhancing our children's cultural heritage. Like morality, poetry often has its most beautiful moments when it is at its purest. It is crucial to immerse children in beautiful words because they consistently and profoundly affect our reality, our thoughts, and our prayers. It is also crucial to encourage them to take a moment to appreciate a beautiful sentence since a strong beginning increases the likelihood of a good ending. Their minds will be better equipped to receive Truth, Beauty, and Goodness Himself if they learn to see beauty in even the most routine of life's situations.

The book's "things to think about" sections encourage readers to go deeper into specific poetry. These should be viewed as a chance to move higher and deeper inside and embark on an adventure into uncharted terrain. Enjoy this adventure into the realm of our English language's good, true, and beautiful by being brave, daring, and adventurous.

Format: Deluxe Leatherette

Pages: 344
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