In summary, our Foundations of Wisdom course culminates in the Church's philosophical theory of ethics, which may very well be the most essential thing to study in the world today. Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas are discussed in the field of ethics, which demonstrates that adhering to the Church's perennial philosophy is not only consistent with reason but also the pinnacle of what reason was designed to achieve: the perfection of the human person and the means to heaven.
Through an examination of Saint Thomas's teachings and an examination of the harmony between natural reason and the ethics of Holy Mother Church, the reader of this fourth and final volume of The Foundations of Wisdom will gain an understanding of the Church's teaching that the human person should act according to the light of natural reason. Get to know God and His fingerprints all over creation by digging deeper into who we are as individuals and discovering how God fashioned us. Finally, know that God has provided a way for us to reach our ultimate goal of eternal beatitude through union with God through His Church.