The Illustrated Miracles of Jesus (Comic-Style)

The Illustrated Miracles of Jesus (Comic-Style)

By Jean-Francois Kieffer, Christine Ponsard
Product Code: 9781586176501

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Product Description


Selected stories of the many miracles by Jesus from the Gospels are told in a youthful yet tasteful comic-book style art. The simple words, the loving actions of Jesus and beautiful, brightly colored illustrations will captivate children whether they read the book on their own or with their family.

The book includes a brief introduction to the background of each situation in which the miracle was performed by Jesus . And each miracle performed by Jesus shows that they brought happiness to the people. They are signs that Jesus acts through love and that he wishes all men to live and be happy. And lessons for us to have confidence in the love of God, and to share that love with others we encounter, as Jesus did.

Miracles include The Wedding at Cana, Raising the Daughter of Jairus, Jesus Walks on Water, Multiplication of the Loaves, The Ten Lepers, Healing of Bartimaeus, Raising Lazarus, and many more.

Ages 4 and up.

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