2 Samuel (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible)

2 Samuel (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible)

By Bishop Robert Barron
Product Code: 9781587434198

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Product Description

In this paperback book, Bishop Robert Barron provides a theological exegesis of 2 Samuel.

The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible invites readers to consider how the ancient Christian tradition's vital roots should inform and shape faithfulness today. Bishop Barron focuses on three major themes in this chapter: God's non-competitive transcendence, the interplay of divine and non-divine causality, and the role of Old Testament kingship. This book, like the others in the series, is ideal for those called to ministry, serving as a valuable resource for Catholic preachers, teachers, students, and study groups.


"Fr. Robert Barron is a great teacher of the Church and a gifted biblical commentator who breaks open the Word of God for our day as Ambrose and Augustine did for theirs."


- George Weigel,
Distinguished senior fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center

"In this book, Fr. Barron brings his theological erudition to the task of interpreting sacred scripture. The result will be a delight for all his readers. Not only will they relish the many profundities of the text, but they will be able to join the author in wrestling with its various conundrums. Even the challenging parts of David's life are handled in fresh, creative, and--most important--productive ways."


- Gary Anderson,
Hesburgh Professor of Catholic Theology, University of Notre Dame

"Fr. Robert Barron is one of the clearest and most compelling Christian communicators I know. He is a scholar, yet he relates easily to all the faithful. As a preacher he reaches both mind and heart. Now, in this major biblical commentary, he has given us a book that measures up to the standard already established by this excellent series. The story of 2 Samuel 'lives and breathes' in Barron's words."


- John H. Armstrong,
President, ACT3 Network, Carol Stream, Illinois
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