

Product Code: 9781594717185

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In BeDADitudes, internationally renowned marriage and family expert Greg Popcak draws on his more than twenty years of counselling experience, as well as his own experience as a father, to demonstrate how the Beatitudes can be viewed as a practical guide to understanding God's love and applying that love to being a better father.

Greg Popcak helps you stop concentrating on yourself and instead concentrate on God in the first book to particularly focus on the Beatitudes and fatherhood, learning how to be the father God wants you to be by being a servant leader in your household.

As a father of three children, Popcak saw that Jesus' exhortation to humility in the first Beatitude—Blessed are the poor in spirit—runs counter to what contemporary men learn as they grow up. Instead, men are indoctrinated that they should live a life of continuous success, characterized by job advances, attractive spouses, and honour students at home.

The Catholic author, lecturer, counsellor, and radio personality will demonstrate how, by asking questions and paying careful attention to their replies, you may connect with your family. By practising mercy, you learn about your own sins, the challenges of the route to sainthood, and how your family needs to hear about God's grace in their life.

In BeDADitudes, you will learn about God's tremendous love as shown in the Beatitudes and how that love may convert you into an outstanding father. 

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