Introit: Hodie scietis
Gradual: Hodie scietis
Alleluia: Crastina die
Offertory: Tollite portas
Communion: Revelabitur
Introit: Dominus dixit
Gradual: Tecum principium
Alleluia: Dominus dixit
Offertory: Leatentur caeli
Communion: In splendoribus
Introit: Lux fulgebit
Gradual: Benedictus qui venit
Alleluia: Dominus regnavit
Offertory: Deus enim firmavit
Communion: Exsulta filia Sion
Introit: Puer natus esst nobis
Gradual: Viderunt omnes
Alleluia: Dies sanctificatus
Offertory: Tui sunt caeli
Communion: Viderunt omnes
"This disc contains the Propers of the Masses for Christmas Day along with 8 Antiphons to the Blessed Virgin Mary...The Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola is...dedicated to singing Gregorian Chant. They have been singing plainchant regularly since 1976, both the daily Benedictine Monastic Offices and the Ordinary and Proper of the Mass. They sing in an admirably flexible manner with beautiful diction. "
— Music Web International