The Moffats by Eleanor Estes tells the story of four children living with their mother in a small town in Connecticut during World War I. The stories revolve around the two youngest children, Janey and Rufus, and the family’s adventures as they wait for their house to sell. The Moffats Student Guide trains students to become active readers by providing in-depth word studies that help students build vocabulary as well as comprehension questions to teach students to identify important concepts and compose clear, concise answers to questions.
The Moffats Student Guide consists of two-part lessons for the twelve chapters of The Moffats each containing vocabulary work, comprehension questions, questions for discussion, and enrichment activities. The appendix includes a biographical sketch of Eleanor Estes, a timeline of interesting events in the United States during this time period, suggested books for additional reading, space to draw a map of New Dollar Street, a picture of a dressmaker’s “dummy,” the story of “The Little Match Girl,” and three poems referenced in the book.