Our Way and Our Life: Christ in His Mysteries - HC

Our Way and Our Life: Christ in His Mysteries - HC

By Blessed Columba Marmion, OSB
Product Code: 9781621386292

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Product Description

Our Way and Our Life: Christ in His Mysteries is a condensed version of Dom Columba Marmion's serious study on the Mysteries of Christ's birth, death, Resurrection, and Ascension as revealed in the Gospels and the Liturgical Year. According to Blessed Marmion, the mysteries that Jesus experienced were for us. He reveals Himself as the example in  and desires to unite with our souls as the Head of the Mystical Body, of whom we are part. Christ's mysteries, each reflecting a stage of His Sacred Humanity, offers us a unique glimpse into His Divinity. Advent, Christmas, Holy Week, Paschaltide, the feasts of Corpus Christi and the Sacred Heart—by connecting ourselves to Christ in this manner, we partake more deeply in His Divine presence. This is why, argues Blessed Marmion, reflection of Jesus' mysteries is so productive, and why contact with the various stages of her Bridegroom's life, which the Church puts us in via the Liturgy, is so important for us. Participation in Jesus' mysteries requires the cooperation of the soul. If Christ unveils unfathomable resources of His states and mysteries to us, it is so that we might draw on them and make them our own.  

Pope Pius X wrote in his encyclical of November 23rd, 1903, that "the active participation of the faithful in the sacred mysteries and in the public and solemn prayers of the Church is the first and indispensable source of the Christian spirit." There is no more certain, nor a more reliable method of uniting us with Christ.
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