A Priest and His Dog: The Tale of Tati

A Priest and His Dog: The Tale of Tati

By Malachi Martin
Product Code: 9781621386605

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Product Description

A highly personal one-of-a-kind manuscript from the hand of a literary giant. A Priest and His Dog: The Tale of Tati is a rare jewel, and a testament, not only to Fr. Malachi Martin’s genius as a storyteller, but above all to his eminence as a sacerdotal servant of Christ. Not intended for readers imbued with “worldly wisdom,” it calls for the openness of a child before the mysteries of God. 

We may take it that the author looked upon his little Cairn terrier not indeed as an “animal” in the usual sense but simply as a “creature of God.” This “pet” story breaks new ground, for charming and touching as it is, its true message is spiritual, having to do with the mystery of the animal soul and the possibility of its participation in that supreme blessedness termed “life eternal.” The great question is whether that summum bonum is attainable for the likes of Tati, as our hearts would wish. While not declaring himself on this issue in explicitly metaphysical or theological terms, it appears that Malachi Martin is in fact weighing in heavily on this long-disputed conundrum: on the side, that is, of his canine friend.

Paperback, 66 pages.

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