“Act before God as if everything was lost for you, so that from now on you can say to Him: ‘I am content with You alone. My kingdom is in Your Heart and Yours is in mine.’”
Mother Mectilde de Bar (1614-1698), who was among the century's outstanding saints and spiritual teachers, created a new Benedictine organization devoted to continual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Despite her efforts to construct or rule monasteries, she had time for lengthy contact with cloister nuns and famous women of the world. Her congregation meticulously saved and wrote down the "gems" of this letter for generations. This treasure started to be edited and published in the twentieth century for the benefit of Christians worldwide who desire a more deep unity with Jesus Christ in His mysteries, which are constantly refreshed in the Church's liturgy.
The present volume contains a wide range of these treasures, most notably letters glowing with affection that Mectilde wrote to Marguerite de Lorraine, Duchess of Orléans (1615-1672), whose life was a series of trials: an untrustworthy husband, a troublesome stepchild, the death of children, court hostility, civil strife, chronic ill-health, and financial worries. Marguerite found light and strength in Mectilde's spiritual teaching, and so can we, no matter what challenges we face.
“Mectilde’s style is simple, light, and luminous; her mind precise and clear. She goes right to the point she wishes to make; she is direct, without violence. One feels in her a truly peaceful soul, deeply rooted in God. Her tone is gentle, even when demanding; her touch always light and elegant. She has an immense respect for each soul. She is maternal without being too affective, strong without any stiffness.” —ABBOT XAVIER PERRIN, OSB