A School of Prayer: The Saints Show Us How to Pray

A School of Prayer: The Saints Show Us How to Pray

By Pope Benedict XVI
Product Code: 9781621641414
★★★★★ ★★★★★ 5.00/5 Stars. (1 Review)

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Product Description

Complete Edition

The Christian life depends on prayer. Based on his weekly teaching, Pope Benedict addresses the guiding principles of the life of prayer in this outstanding book. This spiritual masterpiece will benefit believers of all spiritual levels and backgrounds, from newcomers to experienced intercessors.

Benedict starts talking about what we might learn from the various cultures' and ages' depictions of prayer. He then discusses the teachings of the Bible on prayer, starting with Abraham and proceeding through Moses, the prophets, the Psalms, and Jesus' example. Pope Benedict reflects on Jesus Christ's example of prayer, including the Our Father, his petitions in the Garden of Gethsemane, and his prayers on the Cross, in addition to the Lord's teaching on prayer. There is also discussion of the early Church's prayers as well as those of Mary, the mother of Jesus. In addition, Benedict draws inspiration from the saints, the liturgy of the Church, and spiritual teachers. He issues a challenge to readers to, as it were, attend a "school of prayer," or to live their relationships with God even more intensely.

Benedict gives a thorough overview of famous prayer leaders, but his talk emphasises on Jesus Christ and even uses him as an example when discussing the study of prayer. In fact, according to Benedict, it is in Jesus "that man becomes able to approach God in the depth and intimacy of the relationship of fatherhood and sonship. Together with the first disciples, let us now turn with humble trust to the Teacher and ask him: 'Lord, teach us to pray' (Lk 11:1)."

Paperback, 282 Pages.

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★★★★★ ★★★★★
5.00/5 Stars out of 1 Review
A School of prayer with great Professor
| March 30th, 2023
I got this book to do my Lent reading i.e one of Pope Benedict's teachings per day. With his usual and great style of teaching he gives us in just a few paragraphs clear and intelligent spiritual message and leads to get our Bibles to read more.