Ignatius Note-Taking & Journaling Bible (RSV Second Catholic Ed.)

Ignatius Note-Taking & Journaling Bible (RSV Second Catholic Ed.)

By Revised Standard Version
Product Code: 9781621641902
★★★★★ ★★★★★ 5.00/5 Stars. (1 Review)

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Product Description

Ignatius Note-taking & Journaling Bible: Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition

The first note-taking & journaling Bible ever of the popular RSV 2nd Catholic Edition.

It features an easy-to-follow, two-column format with two-inch ruled margins, enabling readers to easily align their notes, thoughts, and prayers alongside specific verses. Also includes 16 pages of color maps.

With high-quality Bible paper and cover materials, the Ignatius Note-Taking and Journaling Bible is a durable edition for anyone who wants to capture sermon notes, prayers, artwork, discussion notes, or personal reflections in their Bible.

Special Features:

  • Two-column format
  • 2" ruled margins for writing
  • Cream-colored Bible paper
  • Synthetic black leather cover
  • Smyth-sewn binding
  • Size: 6.25" x 7.25"
  • 7 pt. Palatino type
  • 1,264 pages
  • Packaging with O-wrap
  • Sturdy elastic band for cover closure
  • 16 pages of color maps

"The Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition is the most beautiful English translation of the Bible today."

- Scott Hahn, Ph.D., Best-selling Author; President, St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology

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★★★★★ ★★★★★
5.00/5 Stars out of 1 Review
Ignatius Note-Taking & Journaling Bible
(Toronto, Canada) | July 15th, 2021
Wonderful buy! Wish I had found this book back in university, clear, concise and plenty of space for notes.