Through art and essay, delve into the Father’s loving plan to restore his creation and offer eternal life in his presence.
• This unique biblical journey through salvation history examines 40 artistic masterpieces from greats such as Raphaël, Caravaggio, Titian, Rubens, Murillo, Rembrandt and more…
• This eclectic collection spans both time and artistic trends, presenting high-quality renderings of a wide variety of techniques and mediums such as painting, sculpture, and tapestry.
• Spiritual and artistic commentaries delve into the heart of each work revealing the great things the Mighty has done for us. (cf. Lk 1:49)
The Mouquin sisters combine their talents as writer and art historian to create this unique look into the story of our salvation.
Hardcover. 184 pages.
Size: 10.56 x 8.38 x 0.75 (in)