Tradivox Vol. 1 - Catechisms of Bonner Vaux and Ledesma

Tradivox Vol. 1 - Catechisms of Bonner Vaux and Ledesma

By Tradivox
Product Code: 9781644133507

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Product Description

Volume 1: Tradivox Catholic Catechism Index

From the brief “penny” catechisms of the 16th century to our own late 20th-century Catechism, scores of faithful priests, bishops, popes, saints, and even Church Councils have for Catholics young and old published succinct, reliable summaries of our Church’s perennial teachings: catechisms.

In them, readers have encountered Catholic doctrine presented in refreshingly clear and even elegant language, often accompanied by handsome woodcuts on lovely pages. 

Now, for the first time ever, dozens of historic catechisms are being unearthed and painstakingly restored. They are being reformatted for publication and presented to you in this gorgeous 20-volume, cross-indexed collection.  

What’s in Volume I: Three shorter catechisms (often called "penny" catechisms) of 16th century England are reproduced in this inaugural volume, including An Honest Godlye Instruction by Bp. Edmund Bonner (1556), A Catechisme of Christian Doctrine by Fr. Laurence Vaux (1567), and The Christian Doctrine by Fr. Diego de Ledesma (1573). The perennial Catholic doctrine presented by these authors is refreshingly clear, simple, and beautifully illustrated by both the superb diction and restored medieval woodcuts that adorn the pages.

Hardcover. 160 pages.

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