You will learn about the importance of the Habsburgs in the great wars of Lepanto and Vienna, and you will be inspired by exemplary Habsburgs such as Bl. Emperor Karl and Rudolf I, the first Habsburg ruler of the Holy Roman Empire, who assisted a priest in bringing Viaticum to a dying man.
This amazing Habsburg history recounts Maria Theresia Habsburg- Lothringen's faithful reign, during which she rescued the family lands and arranged pilgrimages and national vigils in honour of Our Lady and the Holy Sacrament.
It relates how Emperor Charles V protected the Faith and how Venerable Magdalena, archduchess, and later Ferdinand II bravely fought the Reformation. You'll be amazed at how Leopold I brought his people to the zenith of Catholic piety and almost became a priest.
You will learn interesting Habsburg family mythology and how their marriages were planned (even in utero!). And you'll discover how they supported subsidiarity and shielded citizens from politicians — and the incredible importance it has for us today.
Our world now would undoubtedly be a better place if all of us, our society, and our leaders, studied and followed these Seven Guidelines for Difficult Times...
The Habsburg Way.