God's Grandeur

God's Grandeur

By Ann Gauger
Product Code: 9781644138601

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Product Description

Leading Catholic intellectuals demonstrate how, more than ever, reason and science support the words of the great Catholic poet Gerard Manley Hopkins that "the world is charged with the grandeur of God" at an era of growing agnosticism.

God's Grandeur, whose editor is the biologist Ann Gauger, dispels popular myths about intelligent design by demonstrating why it is an argument based on knowledge rather than ignorance and how the body of evidence for God's design of the natural world is mounting. In Part 1, experts in cosmology, palaeontology, genetics, chemistry, and biology explore the scientific evidence. You will discover the purpose of creation, sublime beauty, and the uniqueness of the human being in part 2. The essay on the "symphonic order" of the universe by Dr. Anthony Esolen, who skillfully draws from physics, mathematics, literature, and philosophy, finishes the third section, which explains the theology underlying creation and how it reflects God's majesty.

In this book you will earn:

  •     What the Church really teaches about evolution
  •     How neo-Thomists wrongly apply Aquinas’s thinking to evolution
  •     Characteristics that distinguish humans from the rest of creation
  •     Why materialistic scientists resist the Big Bang Theory
  •     How to understand the biblical account of Creation
  •     How natural law and transcendental beauty point to the existence of God
  •     Specific scriptures from the Old and New Testaments that testify to the wonder of God’s creative hand
  •     Why Pope Benedict XVI cautioned that vague explanations about creation are insufficient
Furthermore, you will discover how modern neuroscience and ancient thinkers' and Aquinas' theories about the relationship between the mind and the brain support intelligent design and the idea that man was created not just as a material but also a spiritual person.

In-depth references are provided in every chapter to facilitate additional research. Your conviction that the world was created by an intelligent, deliberate creator—one whose greatest desire is for you to spend all of eternity with Him—will be strengthened throughout the entire book.

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