Africa and the Early Church: The Almost-Forgotten Roots of Catholic Christianity

Africa and the Early Church: The Almost-Forgotten Roots of Catholic Christianity

By Mike Aquilina
Product Code: 9781645852599

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When we look back on the formation of the Christian faith, we can't help but notice the major role that northern Africa played. Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, and the areas we now name Eritrea, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia were among the first to receive disciples of the faith. Christians of African descent made significant advancements in many areas, including theology, liturgy, biblical studies, and culture. A lot of this history was lost to Europe when the Arabs came in the seventh and eighth century, but you can still see the traces of the old world.

This long-lost history is reclaimed in Mike Aquilina's Africa and the Early Church: The Almost-Forgotten Roots of Catholic Christianity, which recounts the tale as much as possible via the words of the great men of antiquity. To recall what was previously common knowledge, we must include these Christians and their churches in our historical narrative.

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