Mary, Mother of All

Mary, Mother of All

By Scott Hahn and Emily Stimpson Chapman
Product Code: 9781645852629

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Product Description

Long ago, before time began, the God who sees all laid out a plan;

A plan of love, a plan of grace, a plan to show man His holy face.

In Mary, Mother of All, best-selling writers Scott Hahn and Emily Stimpson Chapman tell children of all ages about Our Lady's role to salvation. Mary, Mother of All begins with the account of creation and the Fall and continues with God's unfolding plan of salvation via the use of lovely images by Tricia Dugat. A Mother whose love is still with us today is vital to this plan.

This outstanding presentation, which explains Catholic teaching about Mary in terms that even the most tender-hearted among us can grasp, will be much appreciated by children—and their parents.

Since 1990, Scott Hahn has served as the Fr. Michael Scanlan Professor of Biblical Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Dr. Hahn is the founder and president of the St. Paul Center. He and Kimberly Hahn have been married since 1979 and have six children together as well as twenty-one grandchildren. Rome Sweet Home, The Lamb's Supper, and Hope to Die are only a few of Dr. Hahn's best-selling novels and academic publications that he has written or edited.

The Catholic Table: Finding Joy Where Food and Faith Meet, These Beautiful Bones: An Everyday Theology of the Body, The Catholic Girl's Survival Guide for the Single Years, and Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body, co-authored with Scott Hahn, are among the more than half a dozen books by the award-winning Catholic author Emily Stimpson Chapman. She also wrote numerous studies for the women's ministry Endow and served as editor of the high school faith formation series Formed in Christ. Chapman, her husband Chris, and their three young children reside in Pittsburgh.

“Mary, Mother of All may be one of the best Catholic kids’ books I’ve ever seen, simply because it’s a delightful read for both adults and children. . . . This book is a triumph, and you need to add it to your family library.”
Katie Prejean McGrady, Speaker, Author, and Host of The Katie McGrady Show on Sirius XM

“It’s never too early to introduce children to the Mother God the Father chose for His Son and that Son from Calvary chose for us. In this beautiful work, Scott Hahn, Emily Stimpson Chapman, and Tricia Dugat help children of God young and old get to know Mary better, to understand her role in salvation history, and to love her with grateful affection as Jesus does.”
Fr. Roger J. Landry, Catholic Chaplain, Columbia University

“Happily ensconced on page after page of gorgeous artwork, the lovely, lyrical text of this gem of a book will surely embed itself in the memories of children and adults alike. I envision children begging to hear it again and again, and their grownups happily complying. Everyone will come away with a deeper, truer love for Our Lady.”
Elizabeth Foss, Founder, Take Up and Read

“This simple, succinct, and yet utterly profound theology of Mary is a must for every Catholic home. Mary, Mother of All is sure to transform the hearts of parents and children alike. I truly cannot recommend it highly enough.”
Stephanie Weinert, Founder, Mother & Home

“These pages are full of truth, goodness, and beauty. While we cannot love Our Lady more than her Son, as St. Maximilian Kolbe said, this book certainly makes me take up that challenge—to love her more and more and to seek refuge within her mantle.”
Rachel Bulman, Author, Speaker, and Star of Meet the Bulmans

“This beautiful book is the perfect catechetical tool for nourishing little hearts and needs a permanent place in every Catholic child’s library!”
Emily Fossier, Blogger, Little Fossi Way

Format: Hardcover
Pages: 40

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