Reclaiming Vatican II: What It (Really) Said, What It Means, and How It Calls Us to Renew the Church

Reclaiming Vatican II: What It (Really) Said, What It Means, and How It Calls Us to Renew the Church

By Fr. Blake Britton
Product Code: 9781646800292
★★★★★ ★★★★★ 4.00/5 Stars. (2 Reviews)

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Product Description

Over the last five decades, the Second Vatican Council has been lauded and derided for its alleged break with tradition and embrace of the modern world. But what if we're completely wrong? Have Catholics—both those who support the spirit of Vatican II and those who oppose it—misunderstood what the council was all about?

Fr. Blake Britton discovered the council's truth and beauty while in seminary, and he has seen firsthand the power of its teachings in the life of his own parish. Britton pushes beyond the political narrative foisted on the post-conciliar Church in Reclaiming Vatican II, a collaboration between Ave Maria Press and Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, to argue that Vatican II was something much more beautiful and challenging.

Fr. Blake Britton in Reclaiming Vatican II dispels myths about the council and demonstrates how, when properly understood and applied, it fosters a richer experience of being in the Church. According to Britton, Vatican II promotes a radical return to the Church Fathers and the Scriptures, holding both a commitment to tradition and the need for constant renewal in life-giving balance, recenters the Church on sacred liturgy and encourages both active participation and genuine encounter with transcendence, charts a clear path for the Church's renewal, and empowers it for evangelization and transformative engagement with the world.

Britton invites all Catholics to move beyond the polarization and embrace Vatican II as one of our most valuable resources for being faithful, engaged, and effective members of the Church if we respond to its radical call to worship and renewal.
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★★★★★ ★★★★★
4.00/5 Stars out of 2 Reviews
Great book
(Edmonton, AB, Canada) | December 20th, 2021
Clarified a lot of questions my husband and I had about Vatican II and solidified our support and interest in reading the documents. Very well written and not too complicated for beginners like us 😁
Reclaiming Vatican II
| December 19th, 2021
Based on who wrote it and the references he uses it was predictable what his thesis was about. Very conservative and what really struck me was how did this “para-council” get so much traction when the Vatican has complete control what the Diocese’s can implement in their parishes. It is especially concerning that the 2 main sources were the previous 2 Popes that are the basis of his book. Something does not add up. If anything it confused me more than enlightened me. The one positive was for me to try and review the actual Vatican II documents on the web site.

