This Teacher’s Manual provides thorough and creative strategies for teaching a course on world religions using the Exploring the Religions of Our World (Third Edition) student text.
Features of the Teacher’s Manual, written in wraparound format, include:
- lessons and strategies to facilitate several different learning styles. Guides, approaches, rubrics, and questions and answers will assist your planning and assignment of each chapter.
- three teaching approaches for each text section. Each approach is self-contained for one, fifty-minute class period with the option of adapting ideas and strategies from the other two approaches.
- several “Extending the Lesson” assignments for enrichment.
- answers to all Section Assessment items.
- directions for referenced handouts. Handouts can be accessed at
Additional resources, including tests and answers, YouTube videos, PowerPoints, worksheets, crossword puzzles, and much more are available at
Paperback, 368 pages