In Pursuit of Wisdom: Catholicism and Science Through the Ages

In Pursuit of Wisdom: Catholicism and Science Through the Ages

By Phillip Campbell III
Product Code: 9781681926742

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The relationship between the Catholic Church and science is one of the most misunderstood stories of Western civilization. Merely repeating the mantra that there is no ultimate contradiction between faith and reason has not solved the crisis for millions of Catholics, many of whom have abandoned the Faith over perceived discrepancies between the religious and scientific world.

In Pursuit of Wisdom moves beyond polemical and surface-level approaches to glean a more accurate picture of the historical relationship between scientific inquiry and the Catholic Faith. Beginning with the earliest days of the Church, proceeding through the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and beyond, Catholic history author Phillip Campbell tells the stories of brilliant individuals, challenging controversies, and awe-inspiring discoveries that form the tapestry of the Church's rich engagement with science. When we understand people and perspectives of the past, we can better understand how we arrived at our current situation — and be prepared to respond to the questions of those both within and outside the Church who believe that faith and reason are incompatible.

Pages: 328

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