Imagine You Walked with Jesus: A Guide to Ignatian Contemplative Prayer

Imagine You Walked with Jesus: A Guide to Ignatian Contemplative Prayer

By Jerry Windley-Daoust
Product Code: 9781681927039

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Product Description

Contemplative prayer, also known as imaginative prayer, is a type of meditative prayer developed by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in which you imagine yourself as a character in a Bible story, experiencing the events described in the passage as if you were there. As you prayerfully immerse yourself in the Bible passages in this book, you will be invited to use your imagination to rewrite the story from your own point of view: what you saw and heard, your feelings and emotions, and how you interacted with Jesus and the other characters.

Contemplative, or imaginative, prayer is a method of meditative prayer developed by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in which you imagine yourself as a character in a Bible story, experiencing the events described in the passage as if you were actually there.

In Imagine You Walked with Jesus by Jerry Windley-Daoust, you’ll be introduced to contemplative prayer through forty episodes from the Gospels. Each entry includes:

  • A brief introduction to the Bible text, with vivid details to aid your imagination and place the text in a larger interpretative context
  • An introductory prayer
  • The full text of the Bible passage
  • Journaling prompts
As you prayerfully immerse yourself in the Bible passages in this book, you’ll be invited to draw on your imagination to rewrite the story from your own perspective: what you saw and heard, your feelings and emotions, and how you interacted with Jesus and the other people present in the story.

Saint Ignatius taught that the imagination can be an instrument of prayer. By imagining how we would respond to a particular biblical episode, we can respond to God’s word in a deeper, more meaningful way — and perhaps hear what God has to say to us, too.

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