Today, more than a quarter of Americans claim no religious affiliation at all. Religious belief in general, and Christianity in particular, is increasingly regarded as mythical and unreasonable—the superstitious product of prescientific minds.
But what do thoughtful Christians actually believe?
In this short book, renowned preacher, teacher, and theologian Bishop Robert Barron invites skeptics, seekers, and lifelong Christians alike to consider this question through one of Christianity’s most pivotal texts: the Nicene Creed, an ancient statement of faith that has guided Christian thought for 1700 years and is still accepted by Christians around the world today. With philosophical and theological acumen, Bishop Barron walks through the Creed line by line, explaining its teachings on the mystery of the Trinity, the saving mission of Jesus Christ, and both the life of the Church and the life of the world to come.
Drawing on Sacred Scripture, Church teaching, and the richness of the Catholic intellectual tradition, What Christians Believe unfolds the essentials of the Christian faith with conviction and clarity.
Binding: Paperback
Page count: 164
Dimensions: 5 x 7 (in)
Thickness: 0.38 (in)