Wartime Prayer Book

Wartime Prayer Book

By Fulton Sheen
Product Code: 9781928832652

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Product Description

Author: Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.

In these times of uncertainty, terrorism and illness, turn to: Fulton Sheen's Wartime Prayer Book!

A friend sent us his only copy of The Armor of God, a seventy-year-old, pocket-sized prayer book, its scuffed leather cover worn from hard use in rough circumstances.

Written for soldiers by Msgr. Fulton Sheen in the darkest moments of World War II, this small prayer book has been proven in combat and hallowed by the suffering, prayers, and sacrifices of thousands of Catholic fighting men and women on ships, submarines, and aircraft, in fortresses and foxholes, and even in hellish prisoner of war camps across Europe and the Pacific.

Peacetime led those soldiers and sailors to put aside this powerful wartime prayer book as they entered a world rendered more secure because of their sacrifices.

New enemies have shattered the security those good soldiers won seventy-five years ago. Domestic and international violence and terrorism - and threats from biological causes - now take as their battlefield our homes, our schools, and our workplaces, threatening everyone.

Duct tape may help protect us from chemical weapons, and hand sanitizer from viral infections, but it surely won't protect us from the corrosive, soul-destroying impact of fear, anger, frustration and despair, which daily life on this battlefield is causing already.

Now is the time to draft The Armor of God back into God's service.

We have published it as Fulton Sheen's Wartime Prayer Book, in a pocket-sized leatherette edition similar to the original that you can carry with you in your car or on the subway, and that soldiers can carry in their uniforms as they face the enemy.

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