Author: Mark Shea.
A tour de force of the Marian dimension of Catholic thought, life, prayer, and practice.
Vol. 1:
Modern Myths & Ancient Truth reveals how Mary emerges from Scripture in light of apostolic teaching, how the gospel perfects the deepest insights of non-Christian philosophies and religions, and how to read the Bible like the earliest Christians.
Vol. 2:
First Guardian of the Faith explains the biblical and apostolic roots of Mary's title as Theotokos, her Perpetual Virginity, Immaculate Conception, and Assumption into heaven.
Vol. 3:
Miracles, Devotions & Motherhood explores the devotional life of the Church- worship of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the communion of saints, the rosary, private revelation and Mary's God-given role as our mother.
Softcover, 585 pages.