Letter to a Suffering Church

Letter to a Suffering Church

By Bishop Robert Barron
Product Code: 9781943243488
★★★★★ ★★★★★ 5.00/5 Stars. (6 Reviews)

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Product Description

The sexual abuse scandal has wreaked havoc on the Catholic Church for the past thirty years.

This diabolical toxicity has jeopardized the Church's work in every way and ruined the lives of countless innocent people.

"Why should I stay?" many Catholics understandably ask. Why not abandon this sinking ship before it engulfs me or my children?"

In this stirring manifesto, Bishop Robert Barron, founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, explains why this is not the time to leave, but the time to stay and fight.

Reading the current crisis through the lenses of Scripture and Church history, Bishop Barron shows that we have faced such egregious scandals before; that the spiritual treasures of the Church were preserved by holy men and women who recommitted themselves to fighting evil; and that there is a clear path forward for us today.

For Catholics questioning their faith, searching desperately for encouragement and hope, this book will offer reasons to stay and fight for the Body of Christ. This book will prove the importance of fighting for our faith despite the abundance of wolves hidden among the shepherds. 

Booklet-size paperback. 105 pages.

ISBN-10: 1943243484
ISBN-13: 9781943243488

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★★★★★ ★★★★★
5.00/5 Stars out of 6 Reviews
A Much Needed book!
(Maine) | December 23rd, 2022
I was SO happy and grateful to be able to read this book and I've shared it with the chaplain here at the senior residence where I live. The Church has had a history of evil popes, bishops and priests but as Jesus said, the gates of Hell will not prevail against it ! Just look at the wonderful saints who have lived among us through this horrible mess !
(Sooke, BC, Canada) | October 3rd, 2022
As a 'letter' this was impressive and much needed and one could feel the dismay and hurt behind the text. Those who did nothing wrong trying to explain the failings of others. Well done Bishop Baron - an unenviable task. But there are still unanswered questions. How did it remain hidden for so long? What's the point of going to Confession if one does not make 'a firm purpose of amendment'? Did those abusive priests do that? They confessed crimes - were they given absolution? Why? Our Catholic faith is based on Our Lord - not secrecy, duplicity and deceit. I wish this had never happened but it did and I think the laity need a full and complete examinaton of 'How'. How the institution appears to have wanted to protect its 'image' rather than deal with the reality of the horrible events. Makes them sound like the 'whited sepulchers' that Our Lord condemned. It is a great start Bishop Baron but more - much more than a letter is needed. Still, thank you for enduring this awful task.
Informative and Encouraging
(Canada) | February 24th, 2021
This is a great book. Sexual abuse scandals hit the Church very hard. To leave or to stay that was the pivotal question for many Catholics. Bishop Barron's book gives strong voice against covering up the scandals and equivocally he calls us to stay and presents reasons to do so. Although I did not think of leaving, this book gave more confidence and hope to stay and fight.
Letter to a Suffering Church
| May 23rd, 2020
Bishop Barron's Book was very revealing and I was aghast at some of the details. Hope is always a deciding virtue to cling to.
Letter to a Suffering Church
(Canada) | March 21st, 2020
Great book - tells the truth and has a logical and compelling call to action. I ended up buying two more after reading it.
excellent booklet
(Canada) | January 30th, 2020
I found this booklet well written and informative. I purchased a few copies which I handed out to friends.