Return: How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church

Return: How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church

By Brandon Vogt
Product Code: 9781943243747
★★★★★ ★★★★★ 5.00/5 Stars. (5 Reviews)

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Product Description

The numbers are alarming: for every person who enters the Catholic Church, 6.5 people leave, and 50 percent of young people who were reared Catholic are no longer Catholic today. Young people are leaving the Catholic Church in droves.

Countless stories of bereaved families lay beneath these figures. "Where did we go wrong?" millions of mothers and fathers want for their prodigal children to return to the Church. 

Passively waiting and seeing is no longer an option. A new strategy is required. We need to figure out why our young people are leaving, and we need a strategy for bringing them back. Return: How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church by Brandon Vogt, offeres encouragement and hope to parents longing to bring their children back to the Catholic Church.


“If your son or daughter has left the faith, I encourage you not to give up hope and to learn from the advice in this book. Return will serve as an essential resource for the Church’s evangelization efforts and a true game-changer for desperate parents everywhere.”
—Bishop Robert Barron, from the foreword

“Every Catholic parent needs this book. It demolishes the myths about why young people leave the Church and lays out a wonderful (and very practical) step-by-step plan for helping them come back to the faith.”
— Trent Horn, staff apologist for Catholic Answers

“Return is the resource that parents of fallen-away children have been waiting for: it combines powerful spiritual insights with practical tips that you can begin applying right now. It’s like a bootcamp for spiritual warriors who are about to go out on a great search-and-rescue mission.”
— Jennifer Fulwiler, blogger and author of Something Other Than God

“Brandon Vogt’s Return offers practical and realistic ways to bring lost souls home. And I should know: I was one of those kids who left the Church for over ten years. Return hits home for me. It reveals not just why people are drifting from the Church but how to get them back into the fold of Christ. It’s a true treasure for our times.”
— Leah Darrow, Catholic speaker, author, and founder of Lux University

“Everywhere I go I meet parents who are troubled because their children no longer practice the faith. Finally, here is a practical guide to doing something about that. It’s time we took this problem seriously, and Return can help with that.”
— Matthew Kelly, founder of Dynamic Catholic

“Return is a resource that is desperately needed by today’s Catholic families. This terrific new resource is full of practical, supportive, and affirming answers. A ‘must have’ for every Catholic home, parish, and library!”
— Lisa M. Hendey, author of The Grace of Yes

“The number one question I am asked frequently is, ‘How can we get our son or daughter back to the Catholic Church?’ This grieves the hearts of millions of parents. Finally, someone has given us sound tools, prayers, and wisdom on this vital issue. Brandon has once again created an inspirational book to help us bring loved ones home to Jesus and His holy Church!”
— Tom Peterson, founder of Catholics Come Home

“What greater gift could any parent want for their fallen-away Catholic child than to help them get back in touch with God’s grace? Brandon Vogt’s new book, Return, offers more than just practical wisdom and timeless advice, it is a roadmap of evangelization for Catholic parents of fallen-away Catholics. Buy this book. Read this book. Do what this book says. Then see what great gift God has for your family!”
— Marcel LeJeune, author and founder of Catholic Missionary Disciples

“Well-researched and realistic, Brandon Vogt’s Return is not just hope-filled, but superbly hope-filling. A resounding answer to many Catholic parents’ most ardent prayers.”
— Dr. Stephen Bullivant, Director of the Benedict XVI Centre
for Religion and Society at St. Mary’s University

“One of the most common questions I get as the director of St. Paul Street Evangelization is, ‘How can I bring my son or daughter back to the Church?’ I hear it all the time. Every Catholic I know has at least one close family member who has drifted away from the Church. Brandon Vogt’s Return is an excellent answer to that question. He does a great job laying the foundation and sharing the best tips and practical strategies. Buy this book if you want to help your child come back.”
— Steve Dawson, founder of St. Paul Street Evangelization

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★★★★★ ★★★★★
5.00/5 Stars out of 5 Reviews
(Calgary, Alberta) | May 13th, 2021
Extremely helpful, especially when you see many others asking the same questions of themselves: what did I do/not do to cause their lapse.
5 star
(Fergus) | May 8th, 2021
Very insightful. Common sense things we don't think about when we question our children or relatives faith. It's a must read.
(Toronto) | April 19th, 2021
Wonderful book. Well written. Well organized. Gives you a detailed plan and method to bring a child back to the Church.
(Saskatoon) | March 27th, 2021
This is an excellent book for all parents regardless of the age of your children. Great book on evangelization in a post Christian era.
Inspiring book
(Burlington Ontario Canada) | March 19th, 2021
This book has re-invigorated my hopes that my children will return to the church. Well written and easy to understand and read!

