How Catholics answer the age-old Christian question, "Are you saved?"
Salvation is more than simply an event; it is also a process of becoming like Christ.
Are You Salvation? The Catholic Understanding of Salvation, a booklet in The Sunday Homilies with Fr. Mike Schmitz Collection, was written to draw Catholics closer to God by laying out the theology of salvation in ordinary language via Fr. Mike Schmitz's homilies.
Fr. Mike Schmitz gives a simple explanation of salvation in Are You Saved? while urging Catholics to take these truths to heart and apply them to their daily lives.
This booklet introduces the reader to the following topics in five short chapters:
- How is someone saved?
- What is a person spared from?
- Whether salvation is a one-time occurrence, a continuous process, or both
- What role do the sacraments have in salvation?
- What salvation entails for Catholics, and how it should be expressed in their daily lives
This booklet is ideal for private devotion or group study, since it includes thought-provoking questions, devotional reflections, and real-life challenges following each chapter.
57 pages.