Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future (Hardcover)

Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future (Hardcover)

By Pope Francis
Product Code: 9781982171865

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Product Description

In this inspiring and accessible book co-written with his biographer, Austen Ivereigh, the world's foremost spiritual leader lays out the case for measures to improve conditions for people worldwide.

The COVID issue made the brutal and unequal nature of our society painfully apparent to the shepherd of nearly a billion Catholics. He believes the fortitude, kindness, and innovation of the human race held the key to save our culture, economy, and planet. Pope Francis writes in straightforward, compelling writing, urging us not to waste the suffering.

To kick off Let Us Dream, he investigates the lessons we may learn from this catastrophe about how to deal with change in our own lives and the society at large. In a level of honesty never before seen, he describes how three defining moments in his life ultimately shaped him for the better. He demonstrates that in times of crisis, we are forced to make a decision, and that it would be a terrible mistake to attempt to go back to the way things were before the crisis. We can come out of this stronger than ever if we have the guts to adapt.

Francis then provides a brilliant and scathing critique of the systems and ideologies that have contributed to the current crisis, ranging from a global economy that is profit-obsessed and careless of the people and environment it harms to politicians who foment their people's fear and use it to increase their own power at the expense of the people. He stresses the need of Christians serving others, particularly the poor and the underprivileged, like Jesus did.

Putting the poor and the earth at the centre of fresh thinking, the Pope provides a roadmap for creating a better society for all mankind. He bases this strategy on insights from the Bible and the work of modern scientists, economists, activists, and other intellectuals. Instead of prescribing solutions, he demonstrates how average people can overcome differences to achieve extraordinary results when they work together.

Along the way, he makes numerous astute and unexpected observations on topics as diverse as the importance of outside-the-box thinking, the need for more women to take on leadership roles in the Church and beyond, the lessons he picked up from spending time with trash collectors in Buenos Aires, and much more.

Let Us Dream is enlightening, inspiring, and a joy to read. It's Pope Francis speaking from the depths of his heart and soul with all his intensity. We have the power to alter the world by reading this book and by keeping an open heart.
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