My Days with Benedict XVI

My Days with Benedict XVI

By Msgr. Alfred Xuereb
Product Code: 9798889110453

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Product Description

Few popes have been distorted and vilified as much as Pope Benedict XVI for his unwavering defence of the truth. Msgr. Alfred Xuereb, one of his personal secretaries, gives an intimate insight at the late pontiff's everyday life and testimony to the Faith. These priceless pages assist to correct the historical record by elucidating never-before-shared elements of his spiritual father's holiness, which can help you develop in yours.

In these small yet deep pieces, you'll find fascinating insider facts and tidbits about Pope Benedict XVI, such as:

  • Why he really abdicated the Chair of Peter
  • Five little-known qualities about his personality
  • How the pontiff prayed, and some of his favorite hobbies and talents
  • What it was like to spend a day with him (Can you guess what he liked to do for fun?)
  • Ways he fostered congeniality and collegiality (even at dinner!)
  • The Holy Father’s recollections of when he was a small boy

Msgr. Xuereb honestly reveals personal experiences of joy and tears, such as the pontiff's abdication, from his first days as Pope Benedict XVI's secretary to the last moments of the pontiff's papacy. You'll get a glimpse of what it's like to spend Christmas and Lent with Pope Benedict XVI, as well as rare and interesting information about his personal contacts with worldwide luminaries from both the Church and the state. 

You will discover about the Holy Father's friendships, sense of humour, and real care for everyone he met, as well as the spiritual insights and intense devotions included in these modest but deep musings. Select excerpts, musings on some of the pope's most incisive speeches, and an interesting conversation with Msgr. Xuereb are also included.

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