Gregorian Missal - New Translation

Gregorian Missal - New Translation

By Monks of Solesmes
Product Code: 9988000004048

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Product Description

This is a new edition (2012) of the Gregorian Missal, originally published in 1990. This updated Gregorian chant resource came about to accommodate the recent ICEL English translations. To quote the preface, “ the Gregorian Missal is intended for the faithful who participate in Mass sung in Gregorian chant.” The book includes masses for all Sundays and principal feasts and is designed to be used by both congregation and choir. It also includes the entire Ordinary (Kyriale) together with the prefaces and the four Eucharistic prayers. A foreword in English is included, explaining the purpose of this book and the entire volume is in Latin and English, thus allowing the use of both languages. Finally, there is a helpful alphabetical index of all the chants. Congregation and choirs alike will find this a useful resource for chanting the Mass.


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