How Christ Saves Souls—with Us: The Mystery of Co-Redemption

How Christ Saves Souls—with Us: The Mystery of Co-Redemption

By Fr. Michael E. Giesler
Product Code: A0287

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Product Description

There is an important truth too many Christians don’t know: we are called to actively participate in the redemption Christ won for us on the Cross. This is  at once simple and complex—how can we be co-redeemers? With a clear and lively style, How Christ Saves Souls—with Us: The Mystery of Co-Redemption calls the everyday Catholic to embrace their role as a partaker in Christ’s redeeming grace. Fr. Michael Giesler uses sound theological and scriptural backing to illustrate, in practical terms, how each of us can truly be another Christ, Christ Himself (ipse Christus), in our words and actions.

Jesus shared His redeeming power with His followers from the beginning of the Church, and He continues doing so throughout the centuries. We see co-redemptive grace in the lives of the Church’s greatest saints, but it also radiates in the lives of countless unknown and unsung followers of Christ in many different places and times.

A little-known topic with a transforming message, How Christ Saves Souls—with Us shows us that by bringing Christ’s truth and joy to society, we help to establish His kingdom on earth. We aid in preparing for His glorious second coming, the Parousia, when He will establish His definitive Kingdom, the new Heavens and earth, where God will be all in all.

Paperback, 216 pages.

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