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Narrated by Greg Willits
What is spiritual direction and my spiritual direction? What are my “blind spots” and how can I uncover them? What keeps me from all the spiritual riches Christ has for me? How can I better understand where I am in my spiritual progress? Daniel Burke’s Navigating the Interior Life will give you the tools you need to understand how and why we grow and die in the spiritual life and what we can do about it.
Most of us have questions about spiritual direction. What is it? Is it for me? What if I can’t find a spiritual director? These questions and more are well answered in Dan Burke’s book. The Lord is clearly calling all Catholics into a deeper union with him. This book, in a style which is both inspiring and practical, provides some of the Church’s most important wisdom about how to respond to this call.
Ralph Martin, PhD, president, Renewal Ministries and author of 'The Fulfillment of All Desire'
No one seeks God alone. Everyone needs help. The journey, however, need not be a complicated one. Thanks be to God, you have in your hands a simple handbook for seeking God. It is informative, succinct, logical and balanced... a breath of fresh air for lungs who long to breathe the fragrance of God.
Sister Regina Marie Gorman, OCD, Vicar General
Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles
Just as serious athletes would be foolish for not seeking coaches and trainers to help them learn from the experience of others how best to develop their natural skills, so for the Christian pursuing holiness it is foolhardy not to seek the counsel and direction of wise mentors in the spiritual life. Dan Burke’s Navigating the Interior Life is an immensely practical book to help a serious Catholic take advantage of the wealth of experience and knowledge of those who have trod the path to sanctity for the past 2,000. Just as well-intentioned athletes can waste time, injure themselves, and hurt their team by embarking on an ill-conceived training program, so Christian history is strewn with examples of well-meaning individuals who went astray harming themselves and others by following a misguided, imbalanced and imprudent spiritual path. Unfortunately, complicating the matter even more not everyone, who claims the mantle of a spiritual director, is actually competent to lead others to holiness. Dan Burke gives very practical advice not only on how to find a good spiritual director, but also how best to access the wealth of resources in our Catholic tradition that can assist in developing our friendship with Jesus and growing in virtue.
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann
Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
As a spiritual director, I’m thrilled that Dan Burke has written this book! I’ve been waiting for a book like this. It offers an honest, straight forward, and realistic presentation of how to grow in the interior life, and is sure to be of benefit to both spiritual directors and those seeking spiritual direction.
Very Rev. Donald Calloway, MIC, STL
Author, 'No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy'
Navigatng the Interior Life is the book that the modern Church has been waiting for. Dan Burke combines fascinating spiritual insights with concrete, practical tips that will bring real transformation to your life, starting now.
Jennifer Fulwiler,
Author, writer for National Catholic Register, and blogger, Conversion Diary
If you spot Navigating the Interior Life: Spiritual Direction and the Journey to God and think either, “I’m too busy for spiritual direction” or “My journey with God is just fine, thank you,” do yourself a favor and immediately buy this fantastic book. Moving well beyond its excellent opening chapters on helping you understand and engage in a course of spiritual direction, Dan Burke’s phenomenal work lays the foundation for any person’s true and substantive turning toward a life of faith and real relationship with Jesus Christ. Along with the helpful and concise information on creating, nurturing, and sustaining effective spiritual direction relationships, the books dives even more deeply into how to live a true life of virtue. Dan Burke is a trusted guide to help you look at the roots sins that cause your separation from Christ and how to move beyond those with a rule of life guided by virtue that will help any spiritual seeker achieve lasting progress in his or her interior life.
Lisa M. Hendey
Founder of and author of 'A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms'
There is no better time than now for such a solid resource concerning spiritual direction. We are entering into the “Year of Faith,” and if we are going to grow in our faith we need good solid guidance to help us along the way. Dan’s book provides a step-by-step plan for those who may be seeking spiritual direction for the first time as well as those hoping to dive much deeper into their relationship with the Lord and his Church.
Teresa Tomeo
Syndicated Catholic talk show host, best-selling author and motivational speaker
A must read for all sincere God-seekers—one of the most unique and comprehensive guides to the spiritual life I’ve seen. In Navigating the Spiritual Life, author Dan Burke provides an unambiguous compass to the life-giving water we are all thirsting for.
Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
EWTN host, speaker, and author of numerous Catholic books including 'Rooted in Love: Our Calling as Catholic Women'
I count myself among the many who have long needed spiritual direction, but have been unsure regarding who to receive it from or how to get started. Dan Burke’s wonderful new book is filled with practical wisdom and sound Church teaching on how to navigate and grow our interior lives. I will be referring to and recommending this gem for the rest of my life. Well done!
Randy Hain
Senior editor of the Integrated Catholic Life e-zine and author of 'The Catholic Briefcase: Tools for Integrating Faith and Work' and 'Along the Way: Lessons for an Authentic Journey of Faith'
It is a special grace to be able entrust the direction of your soul to someone else, for it is far too easy to get lost on our journey toward God. A good spiritual director can help you retain your interior composure, particularly during times of stagnation, lukewarmness and discouragement. It is a joy to be able to lay bare your most intimate thoughts and feelings with someone who can help you; someone who understands you, supports you and prays for you. With this handbook, Dan has provided a clear map on how to find that person and choose that path. Follow it! It will change your life forever.
Terry Polakovic
Founder of ENDOW
In this book, Dan Burke places a compass in our hands—the compass of Christ-centered spiritual direction. I highly recommend this book. He has done a great service for anyone seeking spiritual direction and who desires to deepen their relationship with Christ.
Sister Timothy Marie, OCD
Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles
This book is a persuasive statement of the well-nigh universal need of us Catholics for spiritual direction. It offers a wealth of wisdom regarding preparation for, and proper use of, spiritual direction. It draws heavily and convincingly on the Catholic tradition of mystical theology. Fully a third of the text offers a detailed, helpful guide to spiritual self-examination. Dan Burke offers a very apt analogy for the use of spiritual direction: In traveling the road of spiritual growth, spiritual direction is like a clean windshield, a good rear-view mirror, with side mirrors to help detect blind spots.
Rev. Ray Ryland
Author of 'Drawn from Shadows into Truth: A Memoir'
A plan is necessary for the success of any endeavor. The spiritual life is no exception. Dan Burke’s accessible book provides a framework for anyone seeking to grow in relationship with our Lord. I am amazed at the amount of helpful material that is packed in this modest-sized book. It certainly will help those in the early stages of their spiritual walk and it also will provide perspective for those further along in their spiritual life. As a retreat director, I intend to make this helpful text available to retreatants. In fact, I’ve already told the publisher that I want to be the first to place an order.
Regis J. Flaherty
Director of the Gilmary Retreat Center and author of 'God’s on the Phone: Stories of Grace in Action'
As a spiritual director, I’m thrilled that Dan Burke has written this book! I’ve been waiting for a book like this. It offers an honest, straight forward, and realistic presentation of how to grow in the interior life, and is sure to be of benefit to both spiritual directors and those seeking spiritual direction.
Very Rev. Donald Calloway, MIC, STL
Author of 'No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy'
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