In Cena Domini - Gregorian Chants for the Vesperal Mass of Maundy Thursday CD

In Cena Domini - Gregorian Chants for the Vesperal Mass of Maundy Thursday CD

By Priestly Fraternity Of Saint Peter
Product Code: FP379

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Product Description

In this recording, the seminarians of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary present Gregorian chant as the proper chant of the traditional liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. All the sung parts of a liturgical service–namely the Vesperal Mass of Maundy Thursday–have been recorded exactly as they are in the actual celebration of the Holy Mass of that day. In this way, the chant is presented in its full diversity: it is not just a chant of meditation reserved to the schola, i.e. a group of cantors specially trained for the ornate melodies(the Introit, the Gradual and the Offertory), but also a chant of prayer where the choir and the faithful participate easily (Ordinary of the Mass: Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei). The various recitatives sung by the celebrant (Prayers, Preface, Pater Noster), by the deacon (Gospel) or the subdeacon (Epistle), enhance, by their simplicity, the divine truths contained in Sacred Scripture and in the official prayers of the Church.

Latin/English booklet included. 62-minute CD.

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