A Rosary for the Souls in Purgatory CD with Fr Miguel Gonzalez

A Rosary for the Souls in Purgatory CD with Fr Miguel Gonzalez

By Susanna & Fr. Miguel Gonzalez
Product Code: HBCD31

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The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that all who die in God’s grace, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation, but after death, they undergo purification so as to enter the joy of heaven (1030)

Because of the communion of Saints, the faithful, who are still pilgrims here on earth are able to help the Souls in Purgatory by offering prayers in suffrage, especially the Eucharistic Sacrifice. They also help them by almsgiving, indulgences and penance. (Taken from the Compendium of the Catholic Church # 211)

St. Pope John Paul the Great has stated that tradition, has always pointed out that those who find themselves in the state of purification are united both with the Blessed, who already enjoy the fullness of eternal life, and with us on this earth, on our way towards the Father’s House (taken from cf.ccgn.1032 L’Osservatore Romano & EWTN)

“It is truly a wholesome thing to pray for our departed brothers and sisters in Purgatory.”

Let us now pray together the Rosary for the Souls in Purgatory.

CD 1 47.13
Track 1 The Joyful Mystery 24.08
Track 2 The Luminous Mystery 23.05

CD2 49.82
Track 1 The Sorrowful Mystery 22.59
Track 2 The Glorious Mystery 23.03
Track 3 The Litany of the Most Precious Blood 3.05
Track 4 The Divine Praises .51
Track 5 The Prayer for the Faithful Departed .24
Track 6 I said a prayer for you today 4.00

Presentation by: Fr. Miguel Gonzalez, Deacon Ronald Stein and Susanna
Meditations & Music: Susanna
Produced and arranged: Susan M Stein
Cover design: Deacon Ronald K Stein

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