Idol Thoughts (Includes Lectio Divina)

Idol Thoughts (Includes Lectio Divina)

By Fr. Denis Lemieux
Product Code: 9780991934263

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Product Description

"The truth of human flourishing, of human happiness, what life is really about and how we are to live is found, not in the random nonsense circulating around in our noggins, but in the Word of God." ~ Denis Lemieux, Idol Thoughts

Father Denis Lemieux finds the root causes of our misery in the “idol thoughts” (the deadly sins) that infest our minds, and shows us where and how the remedy is to be found.Offers a fresh and articulate perspective on sin and ‘sin-oriented’ thinking. Chapters are organized in such a way as to offer readers a description of each kind of sin, and subsequently remedies for them. Among the remedies offered is the ancient practice of praying scripture known as Lectio Divina.

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