This dramatic feature film, set in 1800s Spain, depicts the riveting narrative of St. Anthony Mary Claret, an Archbishop, writer, publisher, social reformer, missionary, and confessor to Queen of Spain. Claret, one of Spain's most prominent preachers, formed the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, often known as the Claretians.
Claret's apostolic activity carried him to the Canary Islands, Madrid, Paris, and the First Vatican Council, and he was dubbed the "spiritual father of Cuba" for his passionate missionary efforts there. Prior to entering the clergy, he worked as a professional weaver in Barcelona's textile factories. Following his ordination, he spent ten years offering popular missions and retreats, constantly emphasizing the Eucharist and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He never let go of the Rosary.
Appointed to the neglected archbishop of Santiago, Cuba, he started its restoration by conducting endless missions and hearing confessions, and he faced fierce resistance for opposing concubinage and slavery. His answer to the plight of Cubans was family-owned farms that produced a range of commodities for the family's personal use as well as for the market. This drew the wrath of entrenched interests who wanted everyone to focus on a single cash crop—sugar. After surviving 14 assassination attempts, he returned to Spain to serve as the Queen's confessor while simultaneously establishing a significant Catholic publishing firm that printed hundreds of books and pamphlets on Catholicism. Claret died in 1870 and was beatified in 1950.