Socrates' Children Volume II: Medieval Philosophers

Socrates' Children Volume II: Medieval Philosophers

By Peter Kreeft
Product Code: 9781685780111

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Product Description

Peter Kreeft, a well regarded professor of philosophy and author of over eighty books, has spent the past sixty years lecturing on philosophy at the university level. He searched for a clear, approachable, engaging, and thrilling introductory philosophy text for years (perhaps even funny). After searching for a while, he discovered that there was nothing available that seemed appropriate, so he decided to write it himself.

This four-part series introduces readers to philosophy through the works of the one hundred greatest philosophers in history, and Kreeft does so with his trademark wit and clarity. Socrates' Children takes the reader through the "great conversation," an ongoing dialogue among the great thinkers of history, including the most influential philosopher of all: Socrates, the father of Western philosophy, by exploring the major ideas of four major eras: the ancient, mediaeval, modern, and contemporary.

Socrates' Children Volume II: Medieval Philosophers examines the medieval philosophers of the three monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as they strove to unite the Greek intellectual heritage with divine revelation.

Paperback | 168 Pages | 6" x 9"
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