Socrates' Children Volume IV: Contemporary Philosophers

Socrates' Children Volume IV: Contemporary Philosophers

By Peter Kreeft
Product Code: 9781685780081

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Product Description

Peter Kreeft, a highly regarded professor of philosophy and author of over eighty books, has spent the last sixty years lecturing on philosophy. Throughout the course of those years, he desired for a beginner's philosophy book that would be comprehensible, interesting, and engaging (perhaps even funny). When he couldn't find anything that fit the bill, he set out to write it himself.

In this four-part series, Kreeft provides a primer on philosophy via the lens of the century's top thinkers, all presented with his trademark humour and clarity. The four major epochs covered in Socrates' Children are the Ancient, Medieval, Modern, and Contemporary, and the reader is thrust into the "great conversation," an ongoing dialogue among the great thinkers of history, including the most influential philosopher of all: Socrates, the father of Western philosophy.

Socrates' Children Volume IV: Contemporary Philosophers examines the major philosophers of the last two centuries and notes the diversification of philosophical endeavours. Some, attempting to recreate historic discussions, return to and reexamine the most fundamental concerns about meaning, happiness, and the human being; while yet others, unattached from the past, fight against the very enterprise of philosophy.

Paperback | 384 Pages | 6" x 9"
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