St. Jude Socks

St. Jude Socks

Product Code: St-Jude-Adult-SKS

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CAD $28.95
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Product Description

Jesus chose St. Jude, a distant relative, to be one of the apostles. He shared the Gospel with Jews in Libya, Syria, Mesopotamia, Judea, and Samaria. As a representation of his attendance at Pentecost with the 12 disciples, he is shown with a flame over his head, which is represented by 12 flames in the design of the sock. He also has a medallion of the face of Christ around his neck, which is based on the legend that King Abgar of Edessa was cured of leprosy after seeing the fabric that Jude was given by Jesus to press his face into. King Abgar later became a Christian after seeing the cloth. We've included an anchor, the Christian symbol of hope, as the patron saint of seemingly hopeless causes to urge wearers to submit seemingly hopeless prayers to this holy saint.

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