This is My Body: A Call to Eucharistic Revival

This is My Body: A Call to Eucharistic Revival

By Bishop Robert Barron
Product Code: 9781685789978
★★★★★ ★★★★★ 5.00/5 Stars. (2 Reviews)

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To order a box of 20, click here: This is My Body - Box of 20 books.

69% of Catholics do not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, according to a shocking Pew Forum survey. Today's majority of Catholics see the Eucharist only as a representation of Christ, and the Mass merely as a meeting of people who share their beliefs to commemorate his life.

A spiritual catastrophe is indicated by this since the Eucharist is "the source and summit of the Christian life." Bishop Robert Barron, who was at the time the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Chair of the Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis, started working with his fellow bishops to find a solution in response to this situation. These discussions gave rise to the National Eucharistic Revival.

The book This Is My Body: A Call to Eucharistic Revival is intended supplement that revival. In this succinct yet insightful essay, Bishop Barron provides a three part examination of the Eucharist as sacred feast, sacrifice, and Real Presence, guiding readers to a deeper comprehension of the sacrament of Jesus' Body and Blood in order to experience a deeper love for him.

Learn the profound truth that Jesus spoke at the Last Supper: “Take, eat; this is my body. . . . Drink from it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant.”

Paperback. 120 pages. Dimensions: 5 x 7"

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★★★★★ ★★★★★
5.00/5 Stars out of 2 Reviews
"This is My Body"
(Ottawa, CANADA) | August 9th, 2023
Bishop Robert Barron describes in very unique vocabulary, the full in-depth explanation of the Holy Eucharist as we know it today & as it was in the Lord's day. I was filled with a much better understanding of this blessed sacrament & what it means to me. I'm feeling very much blessed since reading & absorbing the true meaning of the Eucharist. I highly recommend others to read this book. I've read it twice to really hear & understand the importance of the Eucharist in my faith.
Excellent summary and exposition of the Eucharist and what it means to Roman Catholics
(Richmond Hill) | July 31st, 2023
I was baptized a Lutheran but the rest of my family is Roman Catholic. I normally attend Mass with my family at a local RC Church. The Eucharist has been of interest to me because of what it means to Roman Catholics faith and the differences in what it means to Lutherans. The thing that surprises me is the large percentage of Roman Catholics who do not believe that the Eucharist is Christ and as a consequence they do not seem to appreciate the miracle that is happening at every Mass, i.e. the bread and wine offering are transformed (transubstantiated) to the Body and Blood of Christ. The book is one of the resolutions that the Word On Fire organization has put forward to address this lack of belief issue. For me as an outsider, Bishop Barron has put forward a concise argument for the Eucharist, why it is central to Roman Catholic faith and what it means for Roman Catholics. I do not wish to get in the middle of a debate on the Eucharist but only to point out that this book should be read by all members of the Christian community so that we become more educate on the differences and similarities of our beliefs. thank you.