St. Valentine Socks

St. Valentine Socks

Product Code: SVAL-S

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It is believed that St. Valentine was a bishop who secretly married Christian couples against a direct order from the emperor who had outlawed marriage.  He believed that married soldiers would not fight as well as unmarried soldiers. In the midst of being arrested for these actions, he befriended his jailor and the jailor’s daughter, Julia. Also known for his healing abilities and knowledge of natural medicine, the jailor implored Valentine to heal Julia’s blindness. Through written correspondence and educational lessons, the relationship between these three grew in friendship and in prayer. Jailed again, Valentine had no hope to avoid execution. In a final act of love and friendship, Valentine wrote Julia a letter, signing it, “Your valentine.” When she opened the letter, out fell a crocus flower, and from this flower divine colors filled Julia’s eyes and she realized her sight had been fully restored. In Medieval times, a common belief was that birds began to pair on February 14th (the day of Valentine’s death). Because of this, February 14th was a day dedicated to lovers and it was encouraged to send letters, gifts, and other signs of affection much like we do to this day.
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